Consider adding your contact information to the Montana FCS/FCCLA Directory using this link. All contributors will be send a copy of the updated directory.
Use this Zoom link to join our monthly webinars
Use this link to register for the Welcome to Montana FCCLA New Adviser Training
Use this Zoom link to join the webinars
Montana FCCLA Membership Options for 2024-25
Montana FCCLA Adviser Communities
Join other advisers in a community designed to support, share ideas, and help all advisers become stronger. Advisers are grouped to represent a variety of experiences, backgrounds, and geographical areas, and discuss monthly prompts to learn new strategies and ideas. In addition to developing a stronger network, participants are eligible for participation incentives. Please complete the registration form below by October 1. The full program description can be found below.
Resources for FCCLA Chapter Advisers