Get ready to be IncREDible by applying for a district officer position. Officers are elected at their district meeting each fall. Various positions are available, allowing members to enhance their leadership abilities while serving their district. District presidents will be initiated as State Officers at the 2024 State Leadership Conference guiding Montana FCCLA programming and leadership opportunities for the following year.
Application Materials (includes State-wide District Election Process) & Member Study Tool:
When to apply:
Submit an online application two weeks before the district meeting (if within two weeks, contact your current district president for approval).
What to submit:
Applications must be submitted online using the link below. Paper and incomplete applications will not be accepted (this includes the signature page). A complete application includes:
- Online Application (see pages below questions); and
- Application Signature Sheet (all offices other than District president) (page 6)
- Or; FCCLA District President/State Officer Agreement (District President candidates only) (pages 7 & 8)