Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recognizes the accomplishments of a current chapter adviser of FCCLA who has gone above and beyond the in their professional development activities and participation throughout the school year. Use the Educated Adviser Credit Verification form to keep track of CEU/PDU hours for verification and qualification.
Deadline: April 1
The Adviser Mentor Award recognizes advisers who have been successful in: achieving Master Adviser Recognition, devoting two years to new adviser assistance, assuming adult leadership roles in FCCLA, conducting adviser workshops, attending training workshops, and using national and state FCCLA resources.
Deadline: Nominations to State Adviser are due February 1, 2019. State Adviser submissions to National FCCLA are due April 1.
The Alumni Achievement Award recognizes former members who have distinguished themselves in a chosen field of endeavor, whether as a paid professional or volunteer. Deadline: April 1
The Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding contributions and continuing service by individuals whose primary responsibilities are directly related to the organization’s programs. Examples of those eligible for the Distinguished Service Award are local and state advisers, city and state supervisors of Family and Consumer Sciences, and teacher educators. Deadline: April 1
The FCCLA State Adviser of the Year Award recognizes one individual who exemplifies professional management of the state association, dedication to FCCLA, and strong support of the national organization and its programs. The individual in the state who is currently responsible for the day-to-day management of the state FCCLA Association, regardless of title, is eligible to be nominated for this award. Sponsored by Goodheart-Willcox Publisher. Deadline: April 1
The Honorary Membership Award recognizes persons whose professional responsibilities are not directly related to the organization but who have made outstanding contributions and provide continuing service to the national organization. Deadline: April 1
The Master Adviser Award recognizes advisers who have been successful in: advising an affiliated chapter for a minimum of three years, promoting the organization, operating an integrated chapter with a balanced program of work, facilitating youth-centered activities, and keeping abreast of new happenings within the organization.
Deadline: Nominations to State Adviser are due February 1, 2019. State Adviser submissions to National FCCLA are due April 1.
Exceptional school administrators encourage chapters and help students take advantage of the opportunities offered. The National School Administrator Award recognizes and honors local administrators who give outstanding support to the organization on the local, state, and national levels. This award is made possible by a grant from the estate of Mrs. Helen Schmitz Webster, a former administrator in the Deer Creek Public Schools, Oklahoma. Deadline: Nominations to State Adviser are due March 1, 2019. State Adviser submissions are due April 1.
FCCLA honors a media outlet whose responsibilities are not related to Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc., that had covered significant FCCLA activities and is giving continued service through press coverage to the local, state, and/or national organizations.Deadline: April 1
The National Public Relations Award recognizes chapters who have excelled in planning and implementing an exemplary public relations campaign to increase public awareness of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and Family and Consumer Sciences Education.Deadline: April 1
The Spirit of Advising Award recognizes chapter advisers who are constantly faithful, often quietly working behind the scenes to ensure the success of their students. Nominations must be made by state advisers/state contacts. The application can be found in FCCLA Portal under the Resources tab –> State Adviser Membership –> Adviser Award Instructions and Submissions. Deadline: April 1
Nomination to be submitted by State Adviser.
The STAR Events Volunteer Awards recognizes STAR Events Volunteers who exemplify a commitment to the continued success of STAR Events and the organization. Deadline: April 1.