Students in grades 6-8 (Middle School) and grades 9-12 (High School) can attend a 3D interactive assembly on the topics of:
- Bullying prevention (Grade 6)
- Drug & alcohol education (Grades 7 or 9)
- Entrepreneurship (Grade 8 or 10)
- Safe Driving (Grades 11-12)
Opportunity for Schools:
This opportunity for middle schools (6-8) or high school (9-12) will be offered at NO COST to schools. There are only 10 school slots available. The size of your school doesn’t matter as long as we don’t exceed 200 students in one program. Due to the grant requirements making this free opportunity to schools available, License 2 Dream – Entrepreneurship must be shown. Then, schools may choose to offer additional assemblies.
How it works:
3D interactive assemblies are set up and viewed in the auditorium, multi-purpose room or gymnasium. Interactive handhelds, which are used for real time data collection, can accommodate up to 200 students per assembly. School’s will be provided with a report containing information on the ways in which your students were impacted by the programs. Each assembly is 90-minutes from the time students depart for the assembly to the time they are back in their class.
Learn more:
Go to Life Changing Experiences Community Education Project or click on the links below to watch a video about each program. Grade levels are recommendations with flexibility depending upon school needs.
Free2B – Bullying Prevention Designed for 6th grade |
Addicted 2 Life – Drugs and Alcohol Designed for 7th or 9th grade |
License 2 Dream – Entrepreneurship Designed for 8th or 10th grade |
Teen Safe Driving Designed for 11th-12th grade |
What are the dates being offered and how can you apply?
- Assembly must be within this time from: April 16-27, 2018
- Get permission from your principal to apply for one of the 10 FREE spots
- Send an email to Kenneth Bain expressing which programs you are interested in having at your school, your top 3 desired dates and if you have any questions. Schools are prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis.
Kenneth Bain
Project Director, LCE Community Education Project
[email protected]
This opportunity is being made available via funding from the Children and Parent Resource Group