Performance and Leadership Award Meeting Reporting SEC Meeting Report What is your name?* What is today's month and date?* I attended the meeting and engaged with others.*0 – I didn’t attend the meeting1 – I attended but was not engaged2 – I attended and meaningfully contributed to the meetingPlease describe related activities or participation.*I arrived to the meeting prepared.*0 – I was not prepared or arrived with unfinished tasks1 – I was minimally prepared for the meeting2 – I was fully prepared and ready for the meetingPlease describe related activities or participation.*I completed all the duties required of me at the meeting.*0 – Didn’t complete any tasks1 – Completed half of my tasks2 – Completed all of my tasksPlease describe related activities or participation.*I helped the State Officer Team achieve one or more of its goals.*0 – I didn’t contribute to the team’s goals1 – I put forth minimal effort to contribute to the team’s goals2 – I put forth maximum effort to contribute to the team’s goalsPlease describe related activities or participation.*What are three things that you would like to remember from this meeting? (3 points)*List the responsibilities (include deadlines) assigned to you during the meeting. (5 points)*I have maintained positive, professional behavior at all times.*0 – I have not been professional1 – I have been professional some of the time2 – I am always positive and professionalPlease describe related activities or participation.*What is one task that you will be working on this month?*Rate your overall wellbeing on the scale below.*1 – I am struggling3 – I am doing fine, but could use some support5 – I am doing well and don’t need any additional supportDo you have any specific questions or needs?Assistance from team members, the state office, etc.By submitting this report I certify that I have met with my chapter adviser and discussed this report before submitting it. Yes No Δ