Coordination of the district meetings is led by the District President. Throughout the process, the Montana FCCLA State Leadership Team will provide tools to assist you in your planning.
- The meetings should be fun, engaging, and help to educate new and potential members about what FCCLA is and why they should want to be involved. You want chapters to bring potential members!
Your Role:
- Guide your district officer team through the planning process to plan and execute a great meeting
- Actively communicate with all chapters in your district in a timely manner
- Collect paperwork and facilitate District Officer Elections
- Submit district reports to the State Leadership Team
District Paperwork:
Submit within two-weeks of each meeting.
- Preplanning Meeting – Submit the minutes from your meeting. The minutes should include the following components (if something is not in the minutes, please specify in a cover letter).
- District number
- Date & Location of meeting
- If there was a fee to attend the meeting. If so, what was it and what did it cover.
- List of all chapters attending including the number per chapter
- List of all advisers attending
- Date and location of the District Meeting
- After the District Meeting:
- Complete the online survey.
- Upload a copy of the district meeting minutes
- Upload a copy of the program
- Complete the online survey.